BlackOUT Collective provides fully personalized trainings to meet the needs of our collaborators. Our trainings range from 1hr to 3days or even week-long trainings. Explore the myriad of trainings we provide and then request a training with us below!
Theory and Action Prep
Direct Action 101If your group is new to direct action concepts, this interactive training is for you! Direct Action 101 explores the foundational concepts of direct action and civil disobedience, as well as, the utility of direct action as a tool in “getting the goods”. Participants will learn through play and experimentation in this exciting course.
Action Strategy
Action Planning
Black Direct Action History
Specialized Training Offerings
Reach out to us using the contact form if you are curious about more specialized training for your organization or collective. Want to pull off mass actions, tighten up your digital security, or consider how culture can be used as a tool? Contact us about how we can support you with some training and development.
If you are interested in specific tactics related to direct action, such as Blockades, Climbing, Arts and Visuals, Tactical Communications, join our mailing list to learn about our upcoming tactical trainings!
Request a Training